IP telephony

We deliver IP telephony for companies that want to be mobile and efficient. An IP phone works and looks like an ordinary office phone. The only difference is that the IP phone is not plugged into a phone jack, but is instead connected to the internet. The conversation therefore goes via the Internet instead of the traditional telephone lines.
Illustration av en bordstelefon - IP-telefon

Flexibility with IP telephony

You can take our IP telephone home with you, to your holiday cottage or when traveling. It works in any network socket. As long as the internet is available, you can take our IP telephone with you and use it everywhere. Practical and simple if you change your location in the office or if the entire company moves.

Functions in our IP PBX

Our IP PBX makes it simple to see what status your colleagues have set; who are in meetings, at lunch or on holiday thanks to a graphic referral system. It creates less confusion internally, thus delivering better customer service. Besides the status referral, you gain access to more flexible functions including:

  • Call connection, direct or monitored
  • Access to the company’s telephone directory
  • Customised call signals for different incoming calls

Wireless IP-DECT, conference phone, or desk phone?

What is the difference between an IP DECT, a conference phone and a desk phone? It is the functionality that varies depending on the type of phone you choose. Dstny offers phone models to suit every need, from ordinary desk phones to advanced video conference phones.

Types of IP Phones

We have support for the following IP telephones:

  • Desk phones
  • Conference phones
  • IP-DECT/Wireless phones

Most modern IP phones and software-based phones (softphones) are compatible with SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and can be configured with SIP credentials that we support.

Here are examples of IP phones that can be configured with SIP credentials:

Desk Phones
Snom D3xx series (e.g., D305, D345)
Snom D7xx series (e.g., D717, D785)
Mitel 68xx series (e.g., 6863, 6869)
Mitel 69xx series (e.g., 6905, 6940)

DECT Phones
Gigaset R700H
Gigaset S700H
Snom M-series (e.g., M25, M10)

Conference Phones
Mitel 6970 Snom C520

Click here or contact us at +46104105000 to find out which phones we support.

What is IP telephony?

IP telephony stands for Internet Protocol telephony. Thus, it is a service for telephony via the Internet instead of the traditional PSTN. IP telephony uses “internet protocols” to communicate digitally via the internet. So it is your phone via a high-speed Internet line instead of being a fixed phone. Instead of using the traditional telephone system, companies calling via IP telephony can utilize an internet connection and the included hardware and applications to communicate more effectively. More companies choose to use the technology to improve the organization’s productivity while reducing operating costs. With IP telephony you get a functional and flexible company telephony at a fraction of the cost of a traditional fixed exchange solution.

IP telephony combines the mobility of a mobile phone with the main advantage of a landline telephone, namely stability. VoIP services can be used with any high-speed internet connection (DSL, cable or other types), regardless of location or vendor.

What are the benefits of IP telephony?

There are many benefits of IP telephony. Unlike a fixed telephone exchange, IP telephony is mainly SaaS implementations. This enables you to integrate your telephony system with other powerful business applications such as customer databases and CRM systems. With IP telephony, employees and customers get better opportunities to interact with each other in an efficient manner. Something that leads to better business results and more satisfied customers.

If you want a mobile workforce then IP telephony is really something that you should consider. You can take an IP phone with you abroad or to the summer cottage and connect to the internet so it works as usual. This also helps if staff need to be mobile at the office itself, because the phones are easy to move around.

A common question that companies ask themselves when they are considering implementing IP telephony is how big the impact it will have on Internet usage, which is not so strange. According to a study by the University of West, 35-50% of phone calls were spent in silence. Something that may have used up valuable data. But IP telephony uses VAD (voice activation detection) which compresses silent data as much as possible. In silence, your IP system searches for total bandwidth allocation, making voice-to-voice calls an effective use of data.

IP telephony provides more than just voice services. These systems can also handle conference calls and video calls where both picture and sound need to be transferred simultaneously. Ordinary old business switches cannot provide businesses with what is needed to be a modern company today. An extensive IP phone system eliminates software and hardware overrun by consolidating all of these conference needs into one solution.

Installation and maintenance of an IP system can be done through in-house network engineers, or through a business partner, if you do not want to be responsible for hiring and managing this. IP systems also do not require proprietary hardware or function updates. With SIP (session initiation protocol) trunking you only pay for the data you use. And it is through SIP trunking that you get audio, video and private teleconferencing without having to pay for extra channels.
Bordstelefon med ikoner runt

Is IP telephony and VoIP the same thing?

It is easy to mix the terms VoIP and IP telephony or think that there are different words for the same thing. But, is it really so? No, VoIP and IP telephony are not the same. In simple terms, VoIP is a part of IP telephony. IP stands for Internet Protocol and VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. IP telephony refers to the digital side of telecommunications, voice communication is then made via VoIP. Your voice is thus passed over the internet and the protocol defines how your voice will then move over a network. One can think of IP telephony as an overall concept and VoIP is in turn a digital means of transport for bringing the telephone call. An IP telephony system can be, for example, an IP PBX that has VoIP. The difference is quite subtle and it is not surprising that it is sometimes mixed together.

Common questions about IP telephony

There are two fundamental differences between regular analog telephony and IP telephony. In traditional analog telephony, equipment dedicated to analog telephony is used. With IP telephony, on the other hand, the public internet is used for making calls. Additionally, with analog telephony, a specific capacity is reserved for a particular call, whereas with IP telephony, the available capacity at that moment is utilized.

No, it's not free to make calls using IP telephony. You still have to pay for outgoing traffic that goes out into the public telephone network because an operator carries the traffic. However, internally within the company, you can make calls for free since the call doesn't need to go out into the telephone network.

IP telephony is a secure way to conduct calls. With IP telephony, calls are encrypted, something that is not done with a regular analog telephone. Therefore, IP telephony is actually considered a safer source to make calls through than regular traditional telephony.

Assuming you have a good connection, the quality is significantly better when making calls via IP telephony. The frequency range in the analog network is more limited, while IP telephony has a broader frequency range. So, if you have good technology that can capture this range, you get much better audio quality in your call. However, if you lose connection while making a call with IP telephony, the sound tends to become more distorted. If the same thing happens with analog telephony, the sound just becomes weaker.

Yes, you can use IP telephony on your mobile phone, and it's called Mobile VoIP. Mobile VoIP is preferably used in conjunction with Wi-Fi on your mobile device. This is to ensure the best possible connection so that the quality of your call is not affected. The technology is based on the same idea as regular IP telephony, namely that calls are transmitted over the internet.

Get in touch with us

Our competent sales representatives will be happy to contact you and help you with your specific needs, or you may call us at 010-410 51 30 to speak to an advisor directly.

Click here to go to support instead.