MiFID II is a rule for how investment firms and banks in Europe will work with placements and advice. This is to increase transparency in the financial market and to give investors more information than before. Our call recording service is, of course, supported by this EU law.
Call Recording

Carrier-independent call recording
With Dstny's Call Recording service you get a carrier-independent call recording for you office phone system that works equally well on both landlines as mobile numbers. The service makes it easy to record both incoming and outgoing calls and the Call Recording works on both the Softphone and your mobile app. The calls are then stored in an intuitive and user-friendly web interface with the ability to search for various parameters, such as number, time, call length etc. The files are then encrypted for secure storage.
Two different packages of Call Recording
Both small businesses and large enterprises have the need for a phone system with call recording. To be able to fit different needs, our Call recording service is available in two different packages. These are Call recording Automatic and Call Recording Pro. You can mix the two packages, this way different agents within the same organization, can have different Call Recording packages.
Call Recording Automatic
In the Automatic packaging, all calls are recorded, both on incoming and outgoing. All this happens automatically, and your staff does not need to do anything manually. The calls are stored in the portal for up to 1 year. This service is compliant with GDPR.
Call Recording Pro
In our more advanced packaging, Call Recording Pro, you can choose if you want to record all calls or only a selection of calls on demand. With Pro you can pause recording, which is needed when handling credit card information. You can flag and tag calls according to self-identified parameters and create forms between agent and supervisor to evaluate calls. The conversations are stored for up to 7 years in the portal. This service is compliant with MiFID II, PCI DSS and GDPR.

Choose random recording
When companies work with improvements, they often want to record random calls so they can evaluate support and customer service. Call Recording Pro lets you choose to record a certain percentage of the calls, thereby randomizing the calls being recorded.
Benefits of recording phone calls

Call recording on demand
With Call Recording Pro you can choose between recording all calls or record calls on demand. If you have the setting on demand, you activate the call recording while the call is in progress. This means that you can choose to save the entire call at any time during the call.
Compatible with GDPR and MiFID II
Dstny Call Recording is compatible with both GDPR. If you select Call Recording Pro, you also get a service that is compatible with PCI DSS and MiFID II. MiFID II is part of the Financial Supervisory Authority’s requirements.
Can you record a conversation without telling about it?
Smart storage

Easy-to-use search function
Frequently asked questions about Call Recording
To record a call is allowed, in Sweden, as long as one of the parties involved in the conversation is aware of the recording. This according to Brottsbalken 4 kap. So if you record your own conversations, you are considered to be a participant, and it is therefore fully allowed. This legislation applies to all types of conversations, not just those that happen over the phone.
If none of the parties involved in the conversation are aware that it is recorded, it falls under wire-tapping, something that is not allowed. Our recommendation is to always be transparent to the counterparty and tell us that and why the conversation is recorded.
Note that this is a Swedish law and may differ to laws in other countries.
The Call Recording service works on both your landline and mobile numbers, so you can easily record calls wherever you are. You choose whether to record all calls or just a specific selection, depending on what package you have chosen.
The calls are stored within the EU, in full compliance with the GDPR. For companies that are required to store the calls themselves, there is support for transferring calls via FTP, SFTP, FTPS, AWS and Azure.
Call recording is available in two different packages, these have different storage times. Automatic has up to 1 year of storage and Pro has up to 7 years of storage. However, this does not mean that you have to store the calls for as long.
Yes, there is support for transferring recordings via FTP, SFTP, FTPS, AWS and Azure for your own storage.
The service works with all carriers connected to our phone system. As a carrier-independent provider of telephony solutions, it is important for us that our services work with all carriers.
We are often asked what happens if you only realize towards the end of a call that the call should be recorded. With Call Recording On Demand, you can now choose to record the call at any time during the call. Then the call, in its entirety, will be saved, from start to finish. This is because Call Recording On Demand is ready and records all calls, but only those you choose to save are stored in the portal. All others are deleted immediately. This way, you can click the record button at the end of a call, and still have the entire call stored.
The service for recording phone calls is incorporated into our App. If you select Call Recording Pro, you will get a button in your app where you can choose to record a call, pause the recording or discard the recording. Our app is compatible with all common smartphones such as Samsung or iPhone and more.
Get in touch with us
Our competent sales representatives will be happy to contact you and help you with your specific needs, or you may call us at 010-410 51 30 to speak to an advisor directly.
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