You can have different carriers within one and the same PBX. In your mobile you can have any carrier, but if you want the MEX feature you must have a fixed number and mobile number from the same carrier. The same person must therefore have the same carrier on his fixed line number and his mobile number if MEX is to work. However, different people can then have different carriers within the same PBX.
Other carriers
Dstny's PBX services are carrier-independent. This means that you can mix carriers according to what suits your company best. Here you can read more about what that entails.

Choose the carrier that suits your company best
We ourselves are a carrier on Dstny, and you are warmly welcome to choose our carrier services for your company's PBX. However, if you have other needs and another carrier is better suited for your company, we are happy to assist you with this. At Dstny, we have partnerships with all major carriers in Sweden and many popular carriers across Europe. Speak with our knowledgeable advisors about which carrier solution would best suit your company.
Other carriers that work with our PBX:




Dstny Denmark
Benefits of being carrier-independent
We have made it simple. With our solution you can freely change and mix carrier, all without needing to dismantle the entire PBX. Our cloud PBX is best if you:
We will help you with the carriers
We collaborate with Telia, Tre (3), Telenor and Tele2. If you want to use another carriers, we pick up all the onward connection charges that arise. We help you to negotiate when it is time for a new procurement, which makes it cheaper for you as it is the carriers that pay for the assistance we provide. We are proud to be carrier-independent and can allow the assignment to be placed with the carrier that matches your needs best.

Optional number display independent of carrier
You can choose to display your fixed network number from your mobile, regardless of what carrier you have. Either with so-called MEX-functionality, which turns your mobile into a fixed connection in the PBX, or through calling via the mobile app, which is also called callback. Our callback function is particularly good if you want to bring down roaming costs.

A single interface makes everything much simpler
We help you to minimise the risk of errors, duplication of work and drawn-out deliveries. Let us be your SPOC (single point of contact). We take care of all support and all your orders are handled by our support technicians. We ensure that new users are entered on the correct summary invoice and that all other information is registered. Instead of having your mobile subscription in one place, your PBX connection in another and buying your phone in a third place, you have everything under one roof, in a single delivery.

Foreign numbers
Let employees worldwide collaborate in a common telephony solution, fully integrated with local mobile and landline numbers in each country. Here you will find everything you need to know about foreign numbers.
Frequently asked questions about our carrier-independency
We can support our own carrier as well as the carriers with which we have a contract. This includes all large and medium players in the corporate market in Sweden. We, of course, also support any question that might come up with our PBX services.
Get in touch with us
Our competent sales representatives will be happy to contact you and help you with your specific needs, or you may call us at 010-410 51 30 to speak to an advisor directly.
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