Hur kommer jag igång med Teams Connect Linjestatus?

Follow these simple steps to get started!

Mobil med Teams

Automatic sync between the PBX and Teams

Teams Connect Line status is now finally included in your company package as a PBX customer. The service is, of course, voluntary to get started with, but what are the advantages? Well, with this service, you can automatically sync your status between the PBX and Teams. This means, for example, that you don’t have to click away calls when you are busy in Teams. Your colleagues in Teams can also see that you are in a call even if you are calling from your phone or MyDstny. Your line status and call status in the PBX and Teams are simply set to busy. This is something that could simplify your workday.

How do I, as a customer, get started?

Besides your Teams license, no additional licenses from Microsoft are required to use Teams Connect Line-state.

Step 1

The first step is for your Teams administrator to install Dstny’s Teams application ‘Teams Connect’ in the Teams Admin Center:

Step 2

Then your admin has to make the app available to users. Watch the video below for how to do this:

Step 3

To enable status synchronization between the PBX and Teams, it’s also necessary for your Teams admin to approve our ability to read and set status in Teams through the app, see guide below:


Get the Teams Connect app in Teams Store

If the administrator is not able to add Teams Connect to the menu inside the Teams environment for all users (The “Setup policies” step in this video after 01:00), each user needs to go into the Teams Store and download the app themselves. Keep in mind that this step is not possible if previous steps are completed.


Now you're up and running!

By following the instructions above, you can set your call status during Teams calls in the PBX. If you are busy in a call or conference call in Teams, your line status and call status in the PBX will be set to Busy, and your status in Teams will be set to ‘In a call’ if you are busy in the PBX. To adjust the settings in Teams Connect and voicemail notifications, please see the video below:

If you’re having trouble getting started, we’re here for you. In that case, feel free to contact us. If you’re curious about more features in Teams, such as how to make calls with mobile numbers in Teams, you can also reach out to a Sales Executive at 010-410 51 30.