About Upsales

Integrate with Upsales

Easy to get started
Getting started with the integration between Upsales and Dstny's auxiliary services is straightforward. All the information required by Upsales to establish the integration is provided by our support technicians. No technical knowledge is needed on your part. All that's required is your Upsales ID and a token, which Upsales support can assist you with.
We can use Upsales as a data source for incoming calls, or you can search for your switchboard contacts in Upsales. This flexibility enhances your ability to quickly access relevant customer information, streamlining communication and improving the efficiency of your customer interactions.

How does Dstny Integrate with Upsales?
The services that integrate with Upsales retrieve customer information via an API. The fields fetched by these services from Upsales through the API must be related to the contact with which a match is found. Therefore, when the service identifies a match for a contact, the API can retrieve values concerning the organization the individual belongs to, the person's contact fields, and their co-contacts within the organization. It is also possible to view details like the value of their most recent order or similar information. Contacts can be opened directly in Upsales from our services if one prefers to work within that environment.