About Lime

Integrate with Lime for better oversight

How does the integration work?
In services that can integrate with Lime, information about the customer or their organization is retrieved via an API (Application Programming Interface). This means the API fetches information from various fields in Lime, which is then displayed in your Dstny services. Information such as details about the contact, the organization, the customer's most recent orders, and cases can be viewed.
The API assumes you have a web-hosted Lime instance. If you have a local installation of Lime, you will need to contact Lundalogik first to get assistance with the plugin required to access it.

Two variants
Our integration with Lime is offered in two variants, depending on your capabilities. Lime CRM Web Services is an older technology that requires setup on your local Lime server.
Lime REST is a newer solution that is easier to set up. In both cases, you should contact your representative at Lime.